I've classified and addressed my key literature into four thematic blocks: Colombia, Global influence, Food (in)security (sovereignty, peasants rights) and Methodology-related literature*.
Please find a full bibliography at the bottom of this page
* ONly listing
* I'm only listing the literature I've actually fully read and included in my methodology statement or framework analysis. Full reading list in the Bibliography section at the bottom
Colombia - related literature
Berry A. , 2002: Has Colombia finally found an agrarian reform that works?
Pérez JM. , 2010: Peasant struggles and agrarian reform (Luchas campesinas y reforma agraria)
Sánchez F, López-Uribe M del P, Fazio A., 2010: Land Conflicts, Property Rights, and the Rise of the Export Economy in Colombia, 1850–1925
Zamosc L. , 1986: The Agrarian Question and the Peasant Movement in Colombia: Struggles of the National Peasant Association 1967–1981 (Chapter 10)
Hristov J., 2005: Indigenous Struggles for Land and Culture in Cauca, Colombia
Richani N., 2012: The Agrarian Rentier Political Economy: Land Concentration and Food Insecurity in Colombia
Fajardo M. D., 2002: Land and political power; agrarian and rural reform in Colombia
Londoño Botero R, CNMH, 2016: Rural lands and conflicts. History, agrarian policies and protagonists
Thomson F. , 2011: The Agrarian Question and Violence in Colombia: Conflict and Development: The Agrarian Question and Violence in Colombia
Brittain JJ., 2005: A Theory of Accelerating Rural Violence: Lauchlin Currie’s Role in Underdeveloping Colombia
Goyes DR, South N. , 2016: Land-grabs, Biopiracy and the Inversion of Justice in Colombia
Calderón-Mejía V, Ibáñez AM. , 2016: Labour market effects of migration-related supply shocks: evidence from internal refugees in Colombia
Fajardo Montaña D., 2012: Colombia: Twenty years in agrarian struggles (Colombia: dos décadas en los movimientos agrarios)
Machado C. A., 2013: The agrarian question against neoliberalism (La cuestión agraria frente al neoliberalismo). In: The neoliberal fallacy (La falacia neoliberal)
CNMH. , 2013: The Agrarian Reform and Land Policy in Colombia
Machado Cartagena A de J, Vivas JA, 2009: Essays for the history of land policy in Colombia: from the colony to the creation of the National Front (Ensayos para la historia de la política de tierra en Colombia: de la colonia a la creación del Frente Nacional)
Franco-Cañas A-M, De los Ríos-Carmenado I. , 2011: Agrarian reform in Colombia: historical evolution of the concept. Towards a comprehensive, current approach (Agrarian reform in Colombia: historical evolution of the concept. Towards a comprehensive, current approach)
Palacios M. , 1980: Coffee in Colombia, 1850–1970: An economic, social, and political history
Sánchez G. G, Meertens D., 2001: Bandits, peasants, and politics: the case of ‘La Violencia’ in Colombia
Galvis JP., 2009: Developing Exclusion: The Case of the 1961 Land Reform in Colombia
De la Cruz Varela J, Gilard J., 1993: Juan de la Cruz Varela: agrarian struggles among coffee plantations (Juan de la Cruz Varela: luchas agrarias entre cafetales)
Sánchez G. (Centro Nacional de Memoria Histórica), 2013: Documetary: ‘There was no time for sadness’ (‘No hubo tiempo para la tristeza’)
Machado Cartagena A, Centro Nacional de Memoria Histórica, editors., 2013: The policy of land reform and land in Colombia: outline of an institutional memory
Observatory for Restitution and Regulation of Agricultural Property Rights, 2014: Research questions and agenda. Land concentration and redistribution in Colombia: a political perspective
LeGrand C, 1986: Frontier expansion and peasant protest in Colombia, 1850-1936
Fals Borda O, 1975: Historia de la cuestión agraria en Colombia
Melo JO, 1989: The economic evolution of Colombia, 1830-1900 (la evolucion económica de Colombia, 1830-1900)
Duarte-Abadía B, Boelens R. , 2016: Disputes over territorial boundaries and diverging valuation languages: the Santurban hydrosocial highlands territory in Colombia
Karl RA, 2017: Forgotten peace: reform, violence, and the making of contemporary Colombia
Kalmanovitz S, López E. E, 2006: The Colombian agriculture in the XX century (La agricultura colombiana en el siglo XX). 1. ed.
Murray PS, 2007: Between Legitimacy and Violence: A History of Colombia, 1875-2002 (review)
Bergquist C, 1990: In the Name of History: A Disciplinary Critique of Orlando Fals Bordas Historia doble de la costa
Bushnell D, 2003: The making of modern Colombia: a nation in spite of itself
Jaramillo Marín J. , 2014: Pasados y presentes de la violencia en Colombia: estudio sobre las comisiones de investigacion (1958-2011). Primera edición
Ayala Diago C., 2016: ‘Los grandes conflictos sociales y economicos de nuestra historia’ de Idalecio Liévano Aguirre. Revista Credencial [Internet]. 2016 Sep 6 [cited 2018 Jan 17]; Available from: http://www.revistacreden
Marrugo Orozco C, 2013: Indalecio Liévano Aguirre. Los grandes conflictos sociales y económicos de nuestra historia, Bogotá, Ediciones Nueva Prensa, 1960
Palacios M. , 2008: Between legitimacy and violence 1875 - 1994 (Entre la legitimidad y la violencia: Colombia, 1875 - 1994). 2. ed., y aument. [Repr.]. Bogotá: Grupo Ed. Norma; 2008. 441 p. (Co
Brown M. , 2006: Adventuring through Spanish colonies: Simón Bolívar, foreign mercenaries and the birth of new nations. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press; 2006.
Safford F, Palacios M.
, 2002: Colombia: fragmented land, divided society. New York: Oxford University Press; 2002. 404 p. (Latin American histories). -
Melo JO. , 1991: The Liberal Reforms in 1936 and 1968 (Las reformas liberales de 1936 y 1968)
CNMH. , 2014: "Landlords" and peasants: land, power and violence in the Valle del Cauca (1960-2012) ‘Patrones’ y campesinos: tierra, poder y violencia en el Valle del Cauca (1960-2012)
Melo JO. , 1999: From the new history to the fragmented history: the Colombian historical production in the last decade of the century
Melo JO. , 1977: How much land does an Indian need? .- Marginal note about the dissolution of the reservations in the 18th century (¿Cuánta tierra necesita un indio?.—Nota marginal sobre la disolución de los resguardos en el siglo XVIII). La Gaceta, Colcultura [Internet]. 1977 Jul [cited 2018 Jan
Melo JO. , 1969: Colombian historiography - Realities and perspectives: Historical studies in Colombia: current situation and predominant trends (Historiografía colombiana - Realidades y perspectivas: Los estudios históricos en Colombia: situación actual y tendencias predominantes). Univ Nac Rev Dir Divulg Cult. 1969
Tobón Sanín, G. , 1979: Agrarian reform and capitalist development: Annotations to the Colombian case. Work document
Bejarano JA. , 1987: Ensayos de historia agraria colombiana
Fals-Borda O. , 1976: Peasant society in the Colombian Andes: a sociological study of Saucío
CHCV, Duncan G, Estrada J, Fajardo D, Giraldo J, Giraldo J, et al. , 2015: Contribution to the understanding of the armed conflict in Colombia - Commission on the History of the Conflict and its Victims (CHCV) (Contribución al entendimiento del conflicto armado en Colombia- Commission on the History of the Conflict and its Victims (CHCV)). La Havanna, Cuba
Villanueva Martínez O. , 1995: Camilo: action and utopia (Camilo : acción y utopía)
Melo JO. , 1999: Half a century of Colombian history: notes for an initial story
Delgado Guzmán Á., 2011: Juan de la Cruz Varela. sociedad y política en la región de Sumapaz (1902-1984), de Rocío Londoño Botero
Mendoza J, Rosas A, 2012: The Economic Effects of Geography: Colombia as a Case Study
Etter A, McAlpine C, Possingham H., 2008: Historical Patterns and Drivers of Landscape Change in Colombia Since 1500: A Regionalized Spatial Approach
Van Ausdal S. , 2013: Presentación del dossier ‘Nuevas historias agrarias de América Latina’
Safford F., 1991: Race, Integration, and Progress: Elite Attitudes and the Indian in Colombia, 1750-1870.
Bejarano JA. , 1983: Pesantry, Agrarian Struggles and Social History: Notes for a historiographic balance (Campesinado, Luchas Agrarias e Historia Social: Notas para un balance historiográfico)
Friede J. , 1960: Orígenes de la propiedad territorial en América
López R. , 2018: The ‘no’ in the plebiscite: an answer to Charles Bergquist
Global influence - related literature
Winter M., 2005: The political geography of EU agricultural policy adjustment
Winter M. , 1982: What Happened to the Agrarian Bourgeoisie and Rural Proletariat under Monopoly Capitalism? A Reply to Goran Djurfeldt
Winter M. , 1982: What Happened to the Agrarian Bourgeoisie and Rural Proletariat under Monopoly Capitalism? A Reply to Göran Djurfeldt
Djurfeldt G, 1981: What Happened to the Agrarian Bourgeoisie and Rural Proletariat under Monopoly Capitalism?: Some Hypotheses Derived from the Classics of Marxism on the Agrarian Question
Chaldecott JA, 1983: Justus Erich Bollmann and Francisco Antonio Zea
Westhoff PC. , 2010: The economics of food how feeding and fueling the planet affects food prices. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Pearson Education; 2010.
Hobsbawm EJ, 1973: Peasants and politics
Johnson JJ. , 1964: Continuity and change in Latin America
Wagley C, 1964: The Peasant. In: Continuity and change in Latin America. Stanford, California, U.S.A.: Stanford University Press; 1964
Feder E. , 1977: Agribusiness and the elimination of Latin America’s rural proletariat
ECLAC, 2018: Historical information - Evolution of the ideas of ECLAC
Restuccia D, Adamopoulos T. , 2017: Geography and Agricultural Productivity: Cross-Country Evidence from Micro Plot-Level Data
Sokoloff KL, Engerman SL, 2000: History Lessons: Institutions, Factor Endowments, and Paths of Development in the New World
Acemoglu D, Johnson S, Robinson JA. , 2001: The Colonial Origins of Comparative Development: An Empirical Investigation
Gallini S. , 2012: The cultural nature of environmental history and its rematerialization (La naturaleza cultural de la historia ambiental y su rematerialización)
Denevan WM. , 1992: The Pristine Myth: The Landscape of the Americas in 1492
de Janvry A, Sadoulet E. , 2002: Land reforms in Latin America: ten lessons toward a contemporary agenda
Food (in)security (Conceptual framework) - related literature
Moyo S, Jha P, Yeros P. , 2013: The Classical Agrarian Question: Myth, Reality and Relevance Today
UN Human Rights Council, 2017: A/HRC/WG.15/4/2: Draft declaration on the rights of peasants and other people working in rural areas presented by the Chair-Rapporteur of the working group
Ortega Cerdà M, Rivera-Ferre MG, 2010: International Food Sovereignty Indicators: New Tools for a New Agriculture
Naranjo S, 2012: Enabling food sovereignty and a prosperous future for peasants by understanding the factors that marginalise peasants and lead to poverty and hunger
Craven LK, Gartaula HN, 2015: Conceptualising the Migration–Food Security Nexus: Lessons from Nepal and Vanuatu
Patel K, et al., 2015: The interplay between household food security and wellbeing among small-scale farmers in the context of rapid agrarian change in India
Harrison G, 2001: Peasants, the agrarian question and lenses of development
Borras SM, 2003: Questioning Market-Led Agrarian Reform: Experiences from Brazil, Colombia and South Africa
Wise T, 2016: The Current Food Crisis in Latin America
Methodology - related literature
Jones AD, Ngure FM, Pelto G, Young SL, 2013: What Are We Assessing When We Measure Food Security? A Compendium and Review of Current Metrics
FAO, 2017: Food security indicators
Simón Reardon JA, Pérez RA, 2010: Agroecology and the Development of Indicators of Food Sovereignty in Cuban Food Systems
Binimelis R, Rivera-Ferre MG, Tendero G, Badal M, Heras M, Gamboa G, et al. , 2014: Adapting established instruments to build useful food sovereignty indicators
FAO, WFO, 1996: The Rome Declaration on World Food Security
FAO, 1996: Report of the World Food Summit 13-17 November 1996 (Appendix)
Gallini S. , 2004: Problems of methods in the environmental history of Latin America
Fischer-Kowalski M, Hüttler W. , 1998: Society’s Metabolism.: The Intellectual History of Materials Flow Analysis, Part II, 1970-1 998
Singh SJ, editor. , 2013: Long term socio-ecological research: studies in society-nature interactions across spatial and temporal scales
Fischer-Kowalski M, Krausmann F, Smetschka B., 2004: Modeling Scenarios of Transport across History from a Socio-Metabolic Perspective
1. Baquero Melo J. The intersection of race, class, and ethnicity in agrarian inequalities, identities, and the social resistance of peasants in Colombia. Curr Sociol. 2015 Nov;63(7):1017–36.
2. Jacoby T, James E. Emerging patterns in the reconstruction of conflict-affected countries. Disasters. 2010 Jan;34:S1–14.
3. Kissane B, editor. After civil war: division, reconstruction, and reconciliation in contemporary Europe. 1st ed. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press; 2015. 299 p. (National and ethnic conflict in the twenty-first century).
4. Ochsner M, Hug SE, Daniel H-D. Four types of research in the humanities: Setting the stage for research quality criteria in the humanities. Res Eval [Internet]. 2012 Nov 30 [cited 2017 Mar 23]; Available from: https://academic.oup.com/rev/article-lookup/doi/10.1093/reseval/rvs039
5. Klein JT. Evaluation of Interdisciplinary and Transdisciplinary Research. Am J Prev Med. 2008 Aug;35(2):S116–23.
6. Choi BCK, Pak AWP. Multidisciplinarity, interdisciplinarity and transdisciplinarity in health research, services, education and policy: 1. Definitions, objectives, and evidence of effectiveness. Clin Investig Med Med Clin Exp. 2006 Dec;29(6):351–64.
7. Peterson JH. Humanitarianism and Peace. In: Richmond OP, Pogodda S, Ramović J, editors. The Palgrave Handbook of Disciplinary and Regional Approaches to Peace [Internet]. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK; 2016 [cited 2017 Mar 23]. p. 233–46. Available from: http://link.springer.com/10.1007/978-1-137-40761-0_18
8. Spann M. Politics of Poverty: The Post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals and the Business of Agriculture. Globalizations. 2017 Feb 10;1–19.
9. Weller T, Monroe-Gulick A. Understanding methodological and disciplinary differences in the data practices of academic researchers. Libr Hi Tech. 2014 Sep 9;32(3):467–82.
10. D. Carnegie G. The present and future of accounting history. Account Audit Account J. 2014 Oct 2;27(8):1241–9.
11. Starfield S, Ravelli LJ. “The writing of this thesis was a process that I could not explore with the positivistic detachment of the classical sociologist”: Self and structure in New Humanities research theses. J Engl Acad Purp. 2006 Jul;5(3):222–43.
12. Balleisen EJ, Brake EK. Historical perspective and better regulatory governance: An agenda for institutional reform: Historical perspective. Regul Gov. 2014 Jun;8(2):222–45.
13. Wright A, Wahoush O, Ballantyne M, Gabel C, Jack S. Qualitative Health Research Involving Indigenous Peoples: Culturally Appropriate Data Collection Methods. Qual Rep. 2016 Dec 10;21(12):2230–45.
14. Flores TE. Vertical Inequality, Land Reform, and Insurgency in Colombia. Peace Econ Peace Sci Public Policy. 2014 Jan 1;20(1).
15. Faguet J-P, Sánchez F, Villaveces M-J. The paradox of land reform, inequality and development in Colombia [Internet]. 2017 [cited 2017 Mar 2]. Available from: http://www.lse.ac.uk/internationalDevelopment/publications/Working-Papers.aspx
16. Salas-Salazar LGS. Armed conflict and territorial configuration: elements for the consolidation of the peace in Colombia (El conflicto armado y su incidencia en la configuración territorial: Reflexiones desde la ciencia geográfica para la consolidación de un periodo de pos negociación del conflicto armado en Colombia). Bitácora Urbano Territ. 2016 Aug 8;26(2):45.
17. Berry A. Has Colombia finally found an agrarian reform that works? Rev Econ Inst. 2002 Jun;4(6):24–70.
18. Pérez JM, CNRR. Peasant struggles and agrarian reform (Luchas campesinas y reforma agraria). 1st ed. Bogota, Colombia: .Puntoaparte Editores; 2010. 214 p.
19. Sánchez Gutiérrez E, Molina Echeverri H. Documents for the history of the indigenous movement (Documentos para la historia del movimiento indigena). 1st ed. Bogota, Colombia: Ministry of Culture - Republic of Colombia; 2010. 419 p.
20. Sánchez F, López-Uribe M del P, Fazio A. Land Conflicts, Property Rights, and the Rise of the Export Economy in Colombia, 1850–1925. J Econ Hist. 2010 Jun;70(02):378–99.
21. Grajales J. Land grabbing, legal contention and institutional change in Colombia. J Peasant Stud. 2015 Jul 4;42(3–4):541–60.
22. Zamosc L. The Agrarian Question and the Peasant Movement in Colombia: Struggles of the National Peasant Association 1967–1981. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 1986.
23. Sepúlveda M. Colombia. The Constitutional Court’s Role in Addressing Social Injustice. In: Langford M, editor. Social Rights Jurisprudence [Internet]. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 2009 [cited 2017 Apr 7]. p. 144–62. Available from: http://ebooks.cambridge.org/ref/id/CBO9780511815485A015
24. Hristov J. Indigenous Struggles for Land and Culture in Cauca, Colombia. J Peasant Stud. 2005 Jan;32(1):88–117.
25. Albertus M, Kaplan O. Land Reform as a Counterinsurgency Policy: Evidence from Colombia. J Confl Resolut. 2013 Apr;57(2):198–231.
26. Uribe Kaffure S. Transformations of tenure and land use in areas of rural Colombia affected by the armed conflict. Approach from a case study. (Transformaciones de tenencia y uso de la tierra en zonas del ámbito rural colombiano afectadas por el conflicto armado). Aproximación desde un estudio de caso. Observatorio de Restitución y Regulación de Derechos de Propiedad Agraria, editor. Estud Socio-Juríd. 2014 Jan 31;16(1):243–83.
27. Nieswiadomy MS. Land reform and conflict resolution in Colombia [Internet]. [Monterrey, California]: Naval Postgraduate School; 2003 [cited 2017 Jul 4]. Available from: http://calhoun.nps.edu/bitstream/handle/10945/6158/03Dec_Nieswiadomy.pdf
28. Mora Vera GA. The land conflict over the resguardos between the indigenous people and the government in Colombia. Reflexión Política. 2015 Dec 17;17(34):88–99.
29. Richani N. The Agrarian Rentier Political Economy: Land Concentration and Food Insecurity in Colombia. Lat Am Res Rev. 2012;47(2):51–78.
30. Fajardo M. D. Land and political power; agrarian and rural reform in Colombia. FAO; 2002.
31. Wouters M. Ethnic Rights Under Threat: The Black Peasant Movement Against Armed Groups’ Pressure in the Choco, Colombia. Bull Lat Am Res. 2001 Oct;20(4):498–519.
32. Ruiz Reyes M. Territory and environment in the Peasant Reserve Zones of Colombia (Territorio y ambiente en las Zonas de Reserva Campesina de Colombia). Eutopía - Rev Desarro Económico Territ. 2015 Dec 15;0(8):45–56.
33. Rettberg A. Tommmonos Un Tintoo: Caff, Conflicto Armado y Criminalidad En Colombia (Coffee, Armed Conflict, and Crime in Colombia). SSRN Electron J. 2017;
34. Muñoz Gallego M. Agrarian conflict and restitution of land. Disputes over representation in an ethnic community in the department of Risaralda, its political system and the public policy system. (Conflicto agrario y restitución de tierras. Disputas por la representación en una comunidad étnica del departamento de Risaralda, su sistema político y el sistema de políticas públicas). Cambios Permanencias. 2016 Mar 2;0(5):442–67.
35. Escobar A. Displacement, development, and modernity in the Colombian Pacific. Int Soc Sci J. 2003 Mar;55(175):157–67.
36. Thomson F. The Agrarian Question and Violence in Colombia: Conflict and Development: The Agrarian Question and Violence in Colombia. J Agrar Change. 2011 Jul;11(3):321–56.
37. Hristov J. Social Class and Ethnicity/Race in the Dynamics of Indigenous Peasant Movements: The Case of the CRIC in Colombia. Lat Am Perspect. 2009 Jul;36(4):41–63.
38. Brittain JJ. A Theory of Accelerating Rural Violence: Lauchlin Currie’s Role in Underdeveloping Colombia. J Peasant Stud. 2005 Apr;32(2):335–60.
39. Rodríguez González I. Dispossession, vacant land and armed conflict in Puerto Gaitán and Mapiripán (Meta, Colombia) between 1980 and 2010 (Despojo, baldíos y conflicto armado en Puerto Gaitán y Mapiripán (Meta, Colombia) entre 1980 y 2010). Verdad Abierta, Colombia, editor. Estud Socio-Juríd. 2014 Jan 31;16(1):285–338.
40. Marin-Burgos V. Oil Palm Expansion and Peasant Environmental Justice Struggles in Colombia. In: Engels B, Dietz K, editors. Contested Extractivism, Society and the State [Internet]. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK; 2017 [cited 2017 Apr 8]. p. 197–218. Available from: http://link.springer.com/10.1057/978-1-137-58811-1_9
41. Gómez CJL, Sánchez-Ayala L, Vargas GA. Armed conflict, land grabs and primitive accumulation in Colombia: micro processes, macro trends and the puzzles in between. J Peasant Stud. 2015 Mar 4;42(2):255–74.
42. Cramer C, Richards P. Violence and War in Agrarian Perspective: Violence and War in Agrarian Perspective. J Agrar Change. 2011 Jul;11(3):277–97.
43. Goyes DR, South N. Land-grabs, Biopiracy and the Inversion of Justice in Colombia. Br J Criminol. 2016 May;56(3):558–77.
44. Goertz G. A Tool Also for Linguists: A Review of Paul Sullivan’s Qualitative Data Analysis Using a Dialogical Approach. Qual Rep. 2013 Oct 7;18(40):1–5.
45. Gray VJ. The New Research on Civil Wars: Does It Help Us Understand the Colombian Conflict? Lat Am Polit Soc. 2008 Aug 22;50(3):63–91.
46. Horsford SD, D’Amico D. The past as more than prologue: a call for historical research. S. Brooks and Anthony H. Normore J, editor. Int J Educ Manag. 2015 Sep 14;29(7):863–73.
47. Morse C, Mudgett J. Longing for landscape: Homesickness and place attachment among rural out-migrants in the 19th and 21st centuries. J Rural Stud. 2017 Feb;50:95–103.
48. Maldonado DB. Self-Government and Cultural Identity. In: Maldonado DB, editor. Constitutionalism of the Global South [Internet]. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 2013 [cited 2017 Apr 9]. p. 243–90. Available from: http://ebooks.cambridge.org/ref/id/CBO9781139567114A014
49. Quiñonez SA. Afro-Colombians: between the rhetoric of multiculturalism and the crossfire of exile (Los afrocolombianos: entre la retórica del multiculturalismo y el fuego cruzado del destierro). J Lat Am Caribb Anthropol. 2007 Apr 1;12(1):213–22.
50. Kreuzer M. Historical Knowledge and Quantitative Analysis: The Case of the Origins of Proportional Representation. Am Polit Sci Rev. 2010 May;104(02):369–92.
51. Classen C, Kansteiner W. Truth and authenticity in contemporary historical culture: an introduction to historical representation and historical truth. Hist Theory. 2009 May;48(2):1–4.
52. Galili I. Promotion of Cultural Content Knowledge Through the Use of the History and Philosophy of Science. Sci Educ. 2012 Sep;21(9):1283–316.
53. Coronado Delgado S, Dietz K. Controlling territories, restructuring socio-ecological relations: the globalization of agrofuels and their local effects, the case of Montes de María in Colombia (Controlando territorios, reestructurando relaciones socio-ecológicas: la globalización de agrocombustibles y sus efectos locales, el caso de Montes de María en Colombia). Iberoamericana. 2013 Mar;13(49):93–115.
54. Duque V. Early-life conditions and child development: Evidence from a violent conflict. SSM - Popul Health. 2017 Dec;3:121–31.
55. Lemaitre J. After the War: Displaced Women, Ordinary Ethics, and Grassroots Reconstruction in Colombia. Soc Leg Stud. 2016 Oct 1;25(5):545–65.
56. Chaparro Africano A, Calle Collado Á. Peasant economy sustainability in peasant markets, Colombia. Agroecol Sustain Food Syst. 2017 Feb 7;41(2):204–25.
57. Gutiérrez Escobar L, Fitting E. The ‘Red de Semillas Libres’: Contesting Biohegemony in Colombia: Contesting Biohegemony in Colombia. J Agrar Change. 2016 Oct;16(4):711–9.
58. Nilsson M, Taylor LK. Applying the security-development nexus on the ground: land restitution in Colombia. Confl Secur Dev. 2017 Jan 2;17(1):73–89.
59. Brando CA. Winners and losers in the allocation of credit during the era of import-substitution industrialisation in Colombia, 1940–1967. Ens Sobre Política Económica. 2016 Apr;34(79):21–39.
60. Ansari-Pour N, Moñino Y, Duque C, Gallego N, Bedoya G, Thomas MG, et al. Palenque de San Basilio in Colombia: genetic data support an oral history of a paternal ancestry in Congo. Proc R Soc B Biol Sci. 2016 Mar 30;283(1827):20152980.
61. Laurent V. Elites and Indigenousness in Colombia: Challenges of Democracy in a Context of Multiculturalism (Élite(s) e indianidad en Colombia: retos de democracia en contexto de multiculturalismo). Colomb Int. 2016 May 1;87:145–69.
62. Calderón-Mejía V, Ibáñez AM. Labour market effects of migration-related supply shocks: evidence from internal refugees in Colombia. J Econ Geogr. 2016 May;16(3):695–713.
63. Florez Gil D, Rodríguez Ruíz J. Land use planning in Colombia: Violence, war and resistance (Ordenamiento territorial en Colombia: violencias, guerra y resistencias). Bitácora Urbano Territ. 2016 Aug 8;26(2):37.
64. Riaño Alcalá P, Uribe MV. Constructing Memory amidst War: The Historical Memory Group of Colombia. Int J Transitional Justice. 2016 Mar;10(1):6–24.
65. Onciul BA. Newcastle University eTheses: Unsettling assumptions about community engagement :a new perspective on Indigenous Blackfoot participation in museums and heritage sites in Alberta, Canada [Internet]. [Newcastle upon Tyne]: Newcastle University; 2011 [cited 2017 Apr 10]. Available from: https://theses.ncl.ac.uk/dspace/handle/10443/1401
66. Van Ho TL. Is it Already Too Late for Colombia’s Land Restitution Process?: The Impact of International Investment Law on Transitional Justice Initiatives. Int Hum Rights Law Rev. 2016 Jul 15;5(1):60–85.
67. Borja M. The historiography of the war in Colombia during the 19th century (La historiografía de la guerra en Colombia durante el siglo XIX). Análisis Político. 2016 Mar 17;28(85):173–88.
68. Rosique G. J, Restrepo C. MT, Manjarrés C. LM, Gálvez A. A, Santa M. J. Nutritional status and food patterns in embera indigenous people from Colombia (Estado nutricional y hábitos alimentarios en indígenas embera de Colombia). Rev Chil Nutr. 2010 Sep;37(3):270–80.
69. Rivas Abadía X, Pazos SC, Castillo Castillo SK, Pachón H. Foods native to indigenous and afro-descendents in Colombia (Alimentos autóctonos de las comunidades indígenas y afrodescendientes de Colombia). Arch Latinoam Nutr. 2010 Sep;60(3):211–9.
70. Acosta K, Meisel A. Anthropometric measurements by ethnicity in Colombia, 1965–1990. Econ Hum Biol. 2013 Dec;11(4):416–25.
71. Ordoñez M-C, Galicia L, Figueroa A, Bravo I, Peña M. Effects of peasant and indigenous soil management practices on the biogeochemical properties and carbon storage services of Andean soils of Colombia. Eur J Soil Biol. 2015 Nov;71:28–36.
72. Caetano CM, Peña Cuellar RD, Maigual Juajibioy JL, Vásquez Ávila LN, Caetano Nunes DG, Caetano Nunes de Pazdiora BR. Participatory improvement: a tool for the conservation of underutilized and forgotten crops (Mejoramiento participativo: herramienta para la conservación de cultivos subutilizados y olvidados). Acta Agronómica. 2015 Dec 14;64(3sup):307–27.
73. Roa EC. Evolution of agrarian structure and socio-productive transformation of rural landscape in Riosucio and Supía (Caldas, Colombia) from the XIX century’s second half (Evolución de la estructura agraria y transformación socio-productiva del paisaje rural en Riosucio y Supía (Caldas, Colombia) a partir de mediados del siglo XIX). Cuad Desarro Rural. 2012 Mar 6;8(67):27.
74. Fajardo Montaña D. Colombia: Twenty years in agrarian struggles (Colombia: dos décadas en los movimientos agrarios). Cah Am Lat. 2012 Dec 31;(71):145–68.
75. Martínez V, Castillo OL. The political ecology of hydropower: Social justice and conflict in Colombian hydroelectricity development. Energy Res Soc Sci. 2016 Dec;22:69–78.
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