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Podcasting is a complementary activity not related to the project, however, with time, it has also became an interesting tool to build a small network of Colombian Young Historians producing thematic book reviews/podcasts, and a good way to reach broader audiences (See Book Reviews Podcasts)

The 2017 series called #PosLaVerda Interviews came from the idea of taking advantage of being here in a highly international University and city (Exeter), which is a golden opportunity to build bridges between cultures. It is a series of "garage-made" interviews with people that are developing interesting activities that are worth documenting and sharing because they are thought-provoking, transferable knowledge and networking opportunities. It is brought to you thanks to @PosLaVerda team in Colombia. 

Parallel to @PosLaVerda, in 2019 a group of friends and me gathered a transdisciplinary team, mostly with research and academic background and common interests and came with @Enkarretados which has a smaller and dynamic format and is hosted by the local radio station #Teusaradio, some topics such as climate justice, environmental policies, agriculture and ethical consumption are common.  

#PosLaVerda Interviews - Exeter Ep. 04 By @DIANA_VAL

December 13, 2017

The University of Exeter society called "Friends of Palestine" held a rally in response to Trump's decision to move the US embassy to Jerusalem. Our guests this time, Gabriel Polley (PhD Palestine Studies candidate) and Layan Kayed (Palestinian student) will talk about the real situation in Jerusalem and disproportionate Palestine-Israel conflict and send an important mesage of humanity for us all. Thanks for listening #PosLaVerda #ExeterInterviews Ep 4 #Palestine and #Jerusalem 

La sociedad de la Universidad de Exeter llamada "Amigos de Palestina" realizó una manifestación en respuesta a la decisión de Trump de trasladar la embajada de EE. UU. A Jerusalén. Nuestros invitados esta vez, Gabriel Polley (candidato a PhD en Estudios de Palestina) y Layan Kayed (estudiante palestina) hablarán sobre la situación real en Jerusalén y el desproporcionado conflicto palestino-israelí y enviarán un importante mensaje de humanidad para todos nosotros. Gracias por escuchar #PosLaVerda #ExeterInterviews Ep 4 #Palestine and #Jerusalem

#PosLaVerda Interviews - Exeter Ep. 03 By @DIANA_VAL

December 05, 2017

Welcome to our third edition of #PosLaVerda #English #ExterInterview Our guest now is Rupert Johnstone creator of The BellHouse Project, a revolucionary piece of interactive art related to research, cultural diversity, children involvement….. and even climate change! It was a huge success in #Exeter and we hope to see it ton tour for the UK very son. Great inspiration, also a very interesting contact for young artists and researchers, we are very proud to bring to you: Roop and his BellHouse!

#PosLaVerda Editorial sobre el Páramo de #Santurbán por @DIANA_VAL

November 19, 2017

Brief study about the socio-environmental conflicts within the moorland "Santurbán" (Colombia) and the way they are exacerbated by the mega-mining promotion. (Podcast in Spanish)

Breve estudio sobre los conflictos socio-ambientales en el páramo de Santurbán (Colombia) y la forma en que son agravados por la promoción de la megaminería.

#PosLaVerda Interviews - Exeter Ep. 02 By @DIANA_VAL

November 08, 2017

Entrevistamos a Margus Menert, estudiante estoniano de la Universidad de Exeter MSc Food Security, quien es coordinador de la iniciativa “Exter Veg Share”

Esta iniciativa documentada para poder ser replicada en otros partes del mundo, es un esquema de voluntariado universitario que acerca a los estudiantes a la cocina de alimentos orgánicos cultivados en la región por productores locales, y que son traídos hasta nosotros usando logística, empaque y mecanismos totalmente sostenibles y a un precio muy económico.

#PosLaVerda Interviews - Exeter Ep 1 By @DIANA_VAL

November 01, 2017

¿De qué se trata el marxismo? ¿Es o no relevante en la actualidad? Cómo percibe el movimiento socialista en Latinoamérica y la asociación del marxismo-leninismo con la guerrilla colombiana.

Entrevistamos a Tor Duca, miembro de la Sociedad Socialista de la Universidad de Exeter y organizador del primer Seminario de la sociedad sobre Marxismo: ¿De qué se trata el marxismo? ¿Es o no relevante en la actualidad? Cómo percibe el movimiento socialista en Latinoamérica y la asociación del marxismo-leninismo con la guerrilla colombiana.

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